It’s fair to say we are still in shock here at the TTBB office to some extent. It is dawning on us that we are really premiers. There will be plenty to read here over the next few weeks, but for now, enjoy this selection from Getty Images. They didn’t manage to snap Sheds (or Kmac) in action at all which speaks volumes about how subtle Sheds’ work in particular was. Blink and you’d miss it but it was very telling in the 2nd quarter. Go Tiges!
Embed from Getty Images BACHAR
Embed from Getty Images GEORGIE
Embed from Getty Images ALEX
Embed from Getty Images DUSTY
Embed from Getty Images DAN
Embed from Getty Images DYLAN
Embed from Getty Images CADDY
Embed from Getty Images YOUNG JACK
Embed from Getty Images DAVE
Embed from Getty Images NANK
Embed from Getty Images GRIGGA
Embed from Getty Images BROAD
Embed from Getty Images TOWNERS
Embed from Getty Images BRANDO
Embed from Getty Images VLOSSY
Embed from Getty Images COTCH
Embed from Getty Images JACK
Embed from Getty Images KANE
Embed from Getty Images DION
Embed from Getty Images BUTLER
Embed from Getty Images KMAC
Embed from Getty Images SHEDS
Embed from Getty ImagesTHANK YOU DIMMA
Hello Chris,
Thank you for putting these up.
I loved seeing Shedda on his game. I haven’t checked the stats but he seemed to have a direct hand in numerous goals.
I loved Kane Lambert and Castagna’s goals in the third quarter. For me, they were almost the sealers. They seemed to break the hearts of the Crows players and to fill the Richmond players (and us fans at Punt Road at least) with such belief.
The photos are very good material for my tattoo-design considerations. 🙂
There is a bumper sticker coming too which could double as a very long tattoo design
So Saturday I am booked in to get my premiership tattoos one Tiges, one Storm. This has been the best week. JDM was awesome I met some wonderful people and hugged heaps of strangers but that happened all week even today at hospital appointment with mum I hugged a lady in the cafeteria.
About the game, our boys just wanted it more there was no ‘luck’ involved it was hard slog all year for them but the lads did it .
My proudest moment as I was pretty much tearing up crying from the first ‘huddle cuddle’ before the siren, at just the fact we were there, was in 3rd quarter when Kane took that magnificent mark and I yelled out “Mark of Kane” I was so clever even if no one got it. I have watched the replay 10 times and ordered 2 DVDs in case something happens to one, I have bought two of all the papers and as I work for a museum am going to ask our paper conserveter the best way to keep them so I have them forever. I know I am acting like it’s our only premiership and it won’t be but it will be my most memorable.