Yes, in theory no player should receive any votes for the horror show that was performed at the MCG on Saturday 30th April. But follow protocol I shall. The reality of the performance is not in the number, but in the comments that follow.
5: Castagna. He looked up for the game. He looked like he wanted to make his mark for the team. He looked like a footballer. I remember him getting the ball on a number of occasions; just trying to do his bit.
4: Jack. Well, it has to be Jack. The shame is, it was probably his worst performance of the season. The thing is the 5,4,3,2,1 system is relative, so, votes go to the least-worst players. Jack deserves votes for willing himself into the team, into selection in the first place. In other circumstances the coaching panel could have said, ‘no, we have x,y,z to replace you. You, Jack, take a week off, get yourself right.’ He played well; not brilliantly. He played for the jumper and for the pride in his own work.
3: Now it gets really difficult. I’m going with Miles. He missed out on receiving a number of free-kicks and I think was penalised for something ridiculous. But maybe not. I haven’t looked at the replay and have no intention to check for details. I saw the number 26 running around and said number seemed to be industrious.
2: C.Ellis. Very light framed; he seems like a mild-tempered man. Seems like a guy who has a cup of tea when others are going for the harder option of an espresso. He had the ball occasionally and didn’t fluff it every time. I’m not the coach, but, I’d say to him: ‘run harder, impose yourself more. Then, you’ll be a player.’
1: I really don’t want to give a charity vote. I’m tempted for Bachar or Brett or Shedda. But the problem is these three players should be fighting over the 5-4 votes not squabbling over the crumbs. Okay: Bachar it is – even though he did a nasty turnover in the last quarter, kicking on his left when he should have kicked on his right. The game was lost by then, it was just that we still could have mounted a comeback to go down by 12 rather than 30 something.
I watched the game to the bitter end, but I was in the luxury of my own home. To those who went, it must have been awkward watching ‘our’ team play so poorly and have so many, many passengers throughout. We are the summertime specialists. The club boasted of its depth throughout the pre-season oh yes, we have ‘depth’ but it is not a depth of quality. It’s a depth of mediocrity.
*I dedicate this post to JR8; he is one player who is hurting as much as us supporters.
The Benny
19: Riewoldt
11: Cotchin, Rance, Houli
10: Houli
6: Lloyd
5: Lambert, Castagna, Miles
4: Martin
3: Townsend, Short
2: Rioli, C. Ellis
1: Hampson, B. Ellis
Blair Hartley Appreciation Award
11: Houli
5: Miles
3: Townsend
1: Hampson
Anthony Banik Best First Year Player
5: Castagna
3: Short
2: Rioli
Joel Bowden's Golden Left Boot
11: Houli
Greg Tivendale Rookie List Medal
5: Castagna
3: Short
Next week’s votes will be calculated by an anonymous algorithm so no human has to go through what Andy just did Joe Crawford, Launceston-based long-suffering Tiges man and glutton for punishment.
As I saw only Dimma’s post-game misery and Jack’s – almost in tears – interview I can only assume it was as awful as you say. I have decided to not watch any, or listen to any, Richmond games in 2016, but if the only option is an ‘anonymous algorithm’ then I will volunteer to watch us get eviscerated by Hawthorn and do the Benny votes.
Joe, this is the sort of fraught situation where normally a remote-control bomb-disposal robot would be sent in to deal with it. I was going to use facial recognition software to scan the standard “boys with their heads down” photo after the game and give 5 votes to the one who looked saddest.
If you want to watch the game that would be dedication beyond the call of duty. You have got the gig, there could be a medal in it for you.
Thank you Joe for your comment.
The question is: how much is the club paying us fans to watch this rubbish? It is almost unspeakable to think that so many of us have paid up to be members and to watch these latest disasters unfold. This is what I like so much about Jack these days: carrying on despite the hopelessness of it all. i haven’t seen the interview you mentioned; but trust that it was honest and heartfelt.
Yes: there comes a point where it is fully legitimate to switch off and tune out. There are many other aspects of our lives that we need to maintain, foster and develop. Watching too much Richmond at this stage could be unhealthy. Supporters who have been watching this for 10, 15, 20, 30 years need a break.
But if we follow a team/club only because we’re looking to enjoy vicarious glory, we’re in for a lot of disappointment. We need to make something out of our being a fan.
Go Tiges : ) well, sort of.
“He looked like a footballer.” This line made me happy and sad. I agree, he did. But it means that most of our team must not look like footballers, and I’m also sure that when we’re finished with him, he too will look a bumbling fool. But best of luck to the kid, took the game on, played with intensity.
I personally though Bachar was our best on the night, but also thought the players you mentioned gave it a crack. Agree with all you said about Jack, and have to comment on the appalling defensive running of the majority of the team. Dear oh dear, how we’ve fallen away.
Hey John, i wasn’t seeing clearly when giving the votes, feeling disappointed despite having low expectaions. Probably Bachar and Grigg were the best players on the night. But i went with Castagna and Jack for what they offered in terms of hope (Castagna) and pride (Jack).