[Another old post from my Diary of Dadness archives]
I still have my old football cards which date from about 1969-1985. Every now and then I look back over them and critique them as works of photography.
Geoff Blethyn kicked 107 goals in a VFL season this year (1972), wearing glasses. And yet you never hear about him. The photographer has chosen the same dramatic angle for all the Essendon shots it seems. A kind of, well, up the shorts angle really.

2014 update – I have done a t-shirt based on this card, modelled above by Age scribe Peter Hanlon,
while Dr Vincent Yuen rocks a Bones McGhie
What is going on here with Ross Brewer’s arms? I’ll bet he was a hoot when he did his Mr Tickle routine in the rooms after training.
I love a player who strikes the same pose year after year, especially a lairy one like “selling the dummy”. Peter Bedford had all the skills and won the Brownlow Medal. Paul Callery is mostly remembered for being tiny and going on to be a stats man on ABC radio – I think he has a PhD now as the other fellas call him “Doctor”.
Sometimes the ball gets a bit slippery. These pics all have a touch of “whoaaaah there” about them.
And finally: the Swans mostly-white jumper seems to have caused some over-exposure problems here. He would have been stumbling around blinded for a while after the flash went off.
That photo of Ross Brewer is the precursor to the creature from Pan’s Labyrinth.
Hmm, the reference escaped me but this gave me the general idea: https://www.google.com.au/search?q=Pan%E2%80%99s+Labyrinth&rlz=1C5CHFA_enAU503AU503&es_sm=91&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=S75tU_y5F8XLkgWGu4CQDA&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ&biw=2554&bih=1319